IC1805, Heart Nebula

  • #Nebula
  • #HOO
  • #ASI533MC
IC1805, Heart Nebula

Here we have a stunning depiction of the Heart Nebula (IC1805), captured through the lens of my camera. With a total integration time of 4 hours and 40 minutes, using 5-minute subs and an Optolong L-Enhance filter, along with a ZWO ASI533MC camera and a William Optics RedCat 51 telescope from my backyard observing location (Bortle 8).

The image was processed using PixInsight, where I applied techniques such as Photometric Color Calibration, Dynamic Background Extraction, Soft Stretch and StarXTerminator by RC Astro to separate stars and nebulosity. I also balanced the colors and added saturation to the nebulosity before mixing everything together to create this final image.